Interface VoicesListEntry

Voice entry in the list of available voices.

interface VoicesListEntry {
    avatarImage: undefined | null | string;
    avatarUrl?: null | string;
    displayName: string;
    gender: undefined | Gender;
    id: string;
    models: VoiceModel[];
    previewAudio: undefined | null | string;
    tags: undefined | string[];
    type: "shared" | "personal";


  • VoiceBaseProps
    • VoicesListEntry


avatarImage: undefined | null | string

Voice avatar image URL.

avatarUrl?: null | string

URL for the voice avatar image.

displayName: string

The display name of the voice.

gender: undefined | Gender

Voice gender.

id: string

The unique identifier of the voice.

models: VoiceModel[]

The list of models that support this voice.

previewAudio: undefined | null | string

Voice audio preview URL.

tags: undefined | string[]

Voice tags.

type: "shared" | "personal"

The type of the voice.